When your energy is flowing, it’s easier to do more of what you love.
Andrea Hayley-Sankaran — Founder of Good Gut Ayurveda and Lotus Flow Living
I help people unlock their innate power to heal
What if, with just a little bit of effort on your part, you could make a few small adjustments to your life that added up to huge results?
This is the promise of an Ayurvedic approach to your health care!
It’s our firm belief that the universe is intelligent and ordered, and since you are also part of the universe, this means that your body knows exactly how to heal itself. The pattern is nature, and all you need to do is welcome it.
This is to say that with the proper guidance, you CAN change your situation simply by adopting diet and lifestyle habits that are natural and easeful for you.
I help people design balanced lives they love. Each person has their own unique Lotus Flow. All you need to do to discover yours is to enter …
Clarify what's really important to you ...
Have you been so busy with your life and work that you’ve ignored your inner voice of concern, and compromised your health in little ways that have added up?
And now you’re suffering with inconsistent energy, fatigue, foggy headedness, poor quality sleep, gut issues, pain, discomfort, autoimmunity, or chronic dis-ease, and now your health is becoming hard to ignore, and you’re looking for a better way?
Are you hopeful that you have the ability to turn your situation around, if you could just get the right support?
You CAN, and you WILL, and I can help you!
Awareness is the first step to change anything, so you are already on your way.
The decision to act comes next, so let me encourage you with this.
Time to prioritize YOU
You may feel that changing your situation will require letting go of decades of chronic stress and neglect … and that feels scary.
Well, I’ve always had a knack for jumping off cliffs (a.k.a. courage), and I can help you do the same if you desire. I want to help you to fundamentally heal those stuck places that get in the way of your dreams.
It’s gonna require a tremendous amount of self-love and compassion to unwind your frazzled mind, and find your calm heart and inner peace, but where there’s a will, there’s a way, and I know you can do it.
With every step you take, you will not only regain your health, you will feel more in alignment with your soul’s purpose, AND you will have the strength to achieve anything your heart desires.
Build a rock-solid foundation of healthy habits
When you work with me, you will be able to implement the supportive diet and lifestyle habits you deeply desire.
My work is informed by the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. It’s about opening up positive energy flows within body, mind, and spirit, such as channels of digestion, circulation, and detoxification.
When your channels are open, and everything is flowing, you will experience clarity of mind, increased energy, balanced moods, positive emotions, and joy in your heart.
Ayurveda offers the rich knowledge of healthy living that has nearly been lost in our modern world, and it invites us to reconnect to nature, and to oneself.
Today, I would like to invite you to explore what’s possible for your life. You can get started designing your personalized healing journey … by following the steps below.
Step One: How to Get Started and What to Expect
FIRST: Join the Community
Join the Good Gut Ayurveda mailing list and get access to my Free Ebook with 3 Deeply Satisfying Gut-healthy Recipes. Enjoy weekly encouragement, recipes, and timely seasonal lifestyle advice to support your healing journey.
SECOND: Discover Your Ayurvedic Body Type
Take the quiz to learn is you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, and get started with personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations.
Sign up for a free Discovery Session to understand how I can support you on your health journey. During the call, I will first listen to your health concerns, then offer support in the form of advice, resources, and/or programs and services. I ask you to scroll down and check out our programs, then think about your goals before booking below.
In your application for a Discovery Session you will be asked to list your top 3 health goals.
When you work with me, we’ll take into account your specific goals, as well as your individual body type and metabolism in order to support your body’s innate healing capacity.
As you likely already know, healing the holistic and natural way isn’t a quick fix, so put some thought into how this commitment to your health will fit into your life.
One-on-one coaching is going to give you the quickest, and most targeted level of support and accountability, but it is also the biggest investment. For many people, a group environment is preferred, because it provides an added level of community support, friendship, and accountability.